"Life is a bitch cuz if it were a slut itd be easy."


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


what the fuck is happening to the world???? my dad, who completely hates facebook and everything about it, apparently has one... i looked him up and it didnt look like hes really ever used it, but still! and the only reason i even found out about it is because when i went to log on to mine today, his email was in the login bar thingy! what the hell was he doing?? i think he probably anonymously tries to stalk mine, my sisters, and my moms profiles, which probably doesnt work because they r all set on private... but it still doesnt make sense to me. i went to target today because i had to buy my aunt a birthday card and my sister had to get he friend a birthday present and we saw my friend cal and his mom wanda :) we talked for like 10 minuets even though we were both in a hurryyy it was like the best part of my day, oddly enough :/ well, besides the fact that leon wasnt at school today!! i have no idea if that means i got him suspended or if he was just sick, which i would know if i had been at school instead of a field trip yesterday but i dont really care enough to ask, i think ill just ask shane tomorrow if i see him, which i might not because hes a junior and theyre taking the ACT tomorrow. which, so am i cuz the sophomores are taking a retired ACT. ewwww. but that means that i only have my A4 class tomorrow which is awesome cuz the best a day class that i have and that means 1 a day and 2 b days this week which is extremely odd cuz its an a week but thats awesome in my opinion because i like b days better than a days :) omg!! just now something happened that completely made my whole day :) my friend emily, aka. r-squirrel, and i are talking on facebook which is unbelievably amazing cuz we havent talked in forever for whatever reason... but im sooo happy to talk to her :D anywayz, i need to go to bed because i have to take that dumb retired ACT tomorrow... :( anywayz im still trying to figure out what to write at the very end of all my posts so u gots to comment and tell me!! ok? good. your all gonna do that. byyyeeeeee :)

*all names have been changed for privacy reasons*

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